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Books to Curl Up With on Cold Days

There's something about curling up on the couch when it's cold outside, a cup of tea in one hand and a favorite book in the other. Maybe there's a fire roaring beside you, or maybe you're content with the hum of the heater as it clicks on.

I know that this was my favorite way to spend the holiday season when I was little. We had a couch in our "computer room" (the room where we kept the brick-ish old desktops my mother worked on when I was a kid) that I spent countless winters curled up on under a huge pile of fluffy blankets. I fell asleep in there all the time, and once looked up from my nest to see snow falling outside the big window behind the couch. I love those memories, and I love the books I discovered there just as much.

Are you stuck on what to read in your own winter nest? I've got a few suggestions for you.

Quick note: Any links to the books mentioned here will be affiliate links. If you choose to buy the books through those links, I will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!

A hardback copy of A Christmas Carol with the title embossed with gold foil.
Image by the Author.

Yes, it's a cop-out generic answer, but it genuinely is a good story! There's nothing that'll put you in the Christmas spirit more than enjoying a classic story about what it means to celebrate the life and love that surround you. You don't even have to celebrate Christmas to enjoy the story of an old man remembering why life is worth living at all.

A hardcover copy of A Little Princess that is pink with black and gold foil embossing.
Image by the Author.

This one might seem slightly out of place on this list, but it's one of my favorites from when I was little. It's a story about a little girl whose kindness and practicality make her friends even when she's lost everything, and though it's a sad story, it does have a lovely happy ending that makes the tears worth it.

There's a scene in the book of Sara coming back to her room, worn and tired from her forced maid's duties, to a roaring fire and a feast that seem to have appeared out of nowhere. I remember vividly reading this scene in the yellow lamplight while dinner was cooking, and the smell of the food wafted into the room, making it feel nearly as though I was there. Maybe I'm a little biased.

A paperback copy of And Then There Were None in front of a hardback copy of Murder on the Orient Express. They are both on a red background.
Image by the Author.

Another strange set for a holiday list! But I personally think a mystery is a fantastic book to cuddle up with, especially one of Christie's classics. Wouldn't it just be perfectly thematically appropriate if you were reading Murder on the Orient Express while it was snowing outside? Or, if it doesn't get cold enough near you, reading any mystery during a thunderstorm makes it all the more fun. And besides, it's always fun trying to figure out who done it before Poirot does!

A hardback copy of On The Other Side on a red background.
Image by the Author.

Carrie Hope Fletcher's stories are such sweet, heart-warming, magical romances. There's something wonderful about reading cozy love stories when it's cold (bonus points if you get to curl up with your special someone while you're reading). Carrie's stories make me smile and cry in almost equal measure; they're so fun and lighthearted while also being deeply touching and meaningful. They're the perfect books for helping you remember what's really important during the holiday season.

On top of that, the lead character's name is Evie Snow. You can't get more wintery than that!

Now If You'll Excuse Me...

I'm going to grab my latest read, cuddle up beside the fireplace, and get to reading. Whatever you pick, I hope your winter is full of good books, good food, good friends, and good memories. Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate it with me, and happy holidays to those who don't. I'm wishing you lots of love, comfort, and joy.

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